Saturday, March 14, 2009

today is family day. the best day.

apologies for the lack of postings
things have been busy.

AND today (!!!), at 3pm Denmark Time, my parents and my sister are arriving! HOLY MOLY! HOW GREAT IS THAT!?

my plan was to have my big poli anth paper done by the time they get here (it's due right after they leave and i don't want to work on it while they're here). but that didn't exactly happen. i had really good intentions for the week... but every day my studious plans of hardcore academia were foiled...

Monday: i was still tired from the the weekend, so i ate falafel and slept all day. then in the evening i did my danish language homework and then went to class. on the way home from class, as i was snoozing on the metro, a metro guard came over to me and spoke a lot of danish in an angry tone. i pulled out my klippekort to show him that i'd paid but he just kept going. finally it occurred to me to say "english! english!" at which point that he told me it was a 600kr fine for putting my feet up on the seat in front of me. i managed to get out of it by playing the Clueless Foreigner Card (which in this case was actually totally true), but he was not happy. then it was bedtime.

Tuesday: i got up early and went over to CSS to print off articles for my paper. i slept with my head on a desk for a while, then got a call to go for coffee with some friends... two hours later i was back at CSS, and i found lots of articles, and just as i was about to print them off, a security guard came and told me that he was closing the computer lab. no, there was not time for me to print anything. i must leave right away. phooey.

Wednesday: is always my busy day. i got up and went to my favourite coffee shop and read/skimmed/looked towards the readings for my class that day. then went to class. then went back to the CSS to print off those articles. then went to south campus and did my danish language homework and then went to danish class. afterwards, it was studenthouse time (have i mentioned studenthouse? it's a KU bar, and every wed night is International Student Night. the place itself kinda sucks, but when everybody comes out, it's really fun). i wasn't gonna stay long, cause i really needed to work on my paper. but EVERYBODY was there. and thus, so was i. Great. Night. (please note, however: never wear thai fishing pants out dancing. they fall down.)

Thursday: went to class. spent the first hour of class sleeping (totally not my fault. the lecturer has the most soothing, melodic, voice i've ever heard. also, the topic was Danish Literature up to the 1800s. seriously.), and the second hour drinking coffee and reading the first english newspaper that i've seen since home (!!!). then i went to my friend's place for daytime water cause i hadn't seen her much lately. so that was lovely. then i came home and i was gonna work on my paper, but i decided to get my danish homework out of the way instead. so that's ok. it's ok the procrastinate by doing other work. totally acceptable.

Friday: I WENT TO THE LIBRARY! and did work! for hours! then mid-afternoon, i got a call from my friend who needed a wingman for this party thing hosted by his department. he didn't know anybody going, but wanted to get to know them, so i said i'd go with him until he made new friends. around 2 am, we stubbled out of the swankiest bar i've ever seen (let alone been too; the drinks were all fancy and made with real crushed fruit while you watch! and everybody was like, late twenties, fancy upwardly-mobile business folk. in suits and dresses. having intelligent conversations about the economic crisis. whilst surrounded by fancy leather couches and edgy modern art). Eyv and I (me dressed like a straight-up hobo. my usual) and a bunch of our new danish friends were having a great time. as the only non danish speaker/comprehender (Eyv is norwegian, so he can understand danish and speak it with a not-quite-right-but-still-comprehendable accent) i found the whole night quite hilarious. by midnight, i was pretty much fluent.

Saturday: i went out for brunch with my italian friends. they are just lovely. as was brunch. very sophisticated and classy. my pj's only got a few strange looks. then i came home and cleaned the bathroom (only to find out that it was cleaned the day before so i don't get any cleaning points for it anyways.... seriously though, apparently i live with a black-haired yeti cause i can't believe it was cleaned within the last week. it was nasty). then i cleaned my room. cause my housemate was hosting a party last night, so ya know, time to deal with the old food and large piles of dust that are taking over. i would have started writing my paper, but then people started to show up... the majority of the party was upstairs in the common areas of our house and consisted mostly of people who i've never met before (or have met but don't reeeeally remember in that awkward reluctant-to-introduce-myself-just-incase kind of way), so a couple of my friends and I just hung out and chatted in my room. then we went downtown in search of falafel and found probably the best durum that i've ever had. then i came home to bed. way too tired to get to work on my paper. also i needed to be well rested for family day, today.

so you see. my intentions were good. always good intentions.
it's just that, after spending last semester cooped up in an old geography lab, having my soul ripped out by various 400 level anth class + stats, it's difficult for me to turn down opportunities of fun. so ya know. i'm just making up for lost time. it's ok, right?

now it's sunday, and i'm awake and obsessively checking the british airways website to keep tabs on my fam's flights. they have arrived in heathrow. how freaking awesome is that!? I think that i will practice my danish and work on my paper... but it's just filler time until i can justify leaving for the airport.... their flight gets in at 3... so probably i should be there early.... like 2ish. just incase it takes them a negative amount of time to get through customs. my family is awesome like that.

peace out homeslices.

(k actually, just before the peacing, here are some pics... nothing exciting though...)

funny story: do you see all that hay edging around the edge lake (behind the picnic table)? so when there was snow on the little hill above it, kids would toboggan down towards the lake and straight into the hay. it is the barrier that kept them from just going straight into the lake and freezing to death. and i don't mean the special, cool, dare-devil kids. i mean like whole school groups. "ok class, make sure you all wear your one-piece snow suits and pointy balaclavas tomorrow, because we're going tobogganing straight towards a semi-frozen lake, and we'll trust your health and safety to a small strip of hay bails. FIELD TRIP!"

the daily parade of the fur hats. as seen from my fav coffee shop.

i have been meaning to show you all these cool bikes things.... you see, you know at home how people sometimes pull kids around behind their bikes in those little fluorescent wheely tents? well here, instead, they have these cool bucket things that replace the front wheel. and there are special ones made to be comfy so that kids can sit in them. it's pretty cool.
list of things i've seen the front bucket of bikes:
1. dogs. plural.
2. newspapers.
3. children.
4. an adult.
5. pineapples.

i really like the colour arrangement of this edifice. especially the green door.


  1. I saw a guy, at the beginning of this semester, in a military green motorcycle, with standard issue turn of the century goggles and a funny leather hat rip past me up at Camosun. The best part of it was, he had a sidecar (also in military green) attached to the bike. And his passenger? His gigantic brown hound dog, also decked out in appropriate motorcycle attire--complete with an military green jacket. Most amazing moment ever!

    I'm pretty impressed with how much of your life revolves around sleeping in random places.

    I hope you're having a great time with your family!

  2. jen. are you sure that wasn't a cartoon and/or acid trip?

  3. If it was a cartoon/acid trip, the best acid trip/cartoon of my life/I've ever seem.

    But, I'm pretty sure it was real. I can't make that stuff up, Alie. I just can't.

  4. woo. alie, i have lots to say.
    i should probably send you an email.
    yes, okay.

    but holy cow your trip is zooming by! i can't believe it's already spring!
