Monday, June 1, 2009

tak for kampen. vi ses.


it's over.

and here i am, sitting on the couch at home, surrounded by familiar sights and smells and sounds and pets.

and it's sinking in in waves. the fact that it's over. that i'm not going back. probably ever. that my bike is not my bike and my room is not my room and i'll never go back to that zoo or that street or that computer lab or that cafe or that falafel place. it's over now.

i'm not sure how i feel.
like i said, it's sinking in in waves.
maybe this means that i'll feel it all gradually and it will hurt less? or maybe this just means that it will just hurt later?
for now it's nice to be home. my family just so happens to be awesome.

i'm running myself a bath now (A BATH!) and for lunch i'm going to walk the dog to Bearance's to get the best sandwich in Canada, then i'll meet mom at her work for tea and then I'll go downtown to find a Teach Yourself Bahasa Indonesian book.

Bahasa Indonesia. yeah. that's right. no time for looking back and being sad. there are big things ahead, and i gotta be ready.

anyways. I just want to say Thanks for Reading. I loved having this blog (even when i neglected it) and knowing that people were reading it, and commenting (!), made me feel more connected to home. i honestly can't believe that so many of you took the time to read my ramblings, and even sometimes post comments (or for some of you: always post comments). i really really appreciate that. my friends just so happen to be awesome too, eh?

maybe I'll try to have a blog in Borneo...

but for now: tak for kampen, dudes.


  1. Four strange how quickly it's gone by. I feel like you could come back to Victoria tomorrow and we'd just meet up in the room again with coffee/hot chocolates to talk about papers we need to write.

    You'd go off to stats and leave your laptop and I'd continue reading some article for some class until you got back. Then I'd go off and get a wrap and maybe another coffee, come back and spend the next four hours holed up in that room.

    I hope you get to take it easy at home before you head off on your next adventure. Think of me marking horrible Anth 100 exams while you're chillin' with the orangutans.

  2. I'm a month late! But ahh well, such is life. Do have a blog for Borneo! A B for B! HA! HA HA! I'm not funny! It was a fantastic time with fantastic experiences that you will always have. And then there's Borneo! Woo!
