Thursday, February 26, 2009

"i'd sacrifice all the tears in my eyes..."

ok so
first thing's first: for a while now i've been having a bit of a love affair with Target Women and Sarah Haskins. However, I only ever watched it when it was posted on Feministing. Then, recently, I decided to actually go to the website. holy crap. it's amazing. there are so many of them! make sure that you watch the yogurt one. but i think this one is my favourite right now:

ok. now. back to where i left off:
so on wednesday my group presented
and despite being intimately involved in all aspect of the presentation construction and planning, and actually presenting a part myself, i had absolutely no clue what anybody was talking about.
i essentially just read off my sheet of paper, in my best no-i'm-not-american accent, then stood in the corner half-hiding while my other group members presented and while an intense discussion raged on. i have no idea what was being discussed.
i am officially really bad at Political Anthropology.

but it's over now
and that's what matters

afterwards i went to the place with the cheep coffee on south campus and checked my email about a billion times and fell asleep on a table. also i discovered The Fail Blog... which i think everybody else already knows about... but i was definitely sitting alone, laughing out loud. every time i look at it, i find a new favourite. but right now it's this one:

then i went to danish class with my supergreat buddy EstaBesta (we live together and are in the same danish class and have bonded solidly over a love affair for a certain kind of danish chocolate bar). danish class was pretty hilarious. i had missed the class before because i had a meeting with two of my Poli Anth group members (yes there was instant coffee, biscuits and plenty of candles involved. i'm pretty much danish now.) and i was dead tired so it was generally a pretty hilarious class. i kept getting mixed up and saying "ja" when i was supposed to say "jo". so then when the teacher called on me and i was supposed to read a sentence, i almost said "ja" but then quickly corrected myself and said "jo" but then i couldn't remember the rest of the sentence so as my brain froze my mouth said "YOOOOOOOOO". ok so probably you had to be there. but i essentially yelled out a very prolonged "YO" to my whole class. it was pretty funny.
then i talked to the canadian guy in my class. turns out he went to Queen's and lived across the street from KCVI for the last two years of my high school career. how random is that?

anyways. after class i headed straight to studenterhuseter (the KU student bar that hosts "international student night" every wednesday) and partied hardy with my housemates and my new italian friend and some strange foreign kids. until i basically hit a wall and all the lack of sleep and presentation-fear-stress caught up with me. so then i came home and ate lots of peanut butter. it was pretty awesome.

today i am back to breathing normally and just generally slacking off.

this is the important part (this is especially for you, KTG)
so today in my "course on danish culture" class, the subject was Danish Music. so first the lady was talking about oldschool stuff (like how king Christians IV bankrupted the country by throwing a huge 3 week long party) and then we got to more modern stuff. and she talked a lot about an interesting modern Danish band called Outlandish... then she played this song...


(these spaces are for dramatic effect)




oh Aicha oh Aicha....

remember this guy!?!

.... apparently nobody else in my class did cause, as far as i could tell, i was the only person looking totally flabergasted and holding back laughter...
... i still don't get it
at all.

but anyways
that totally made my day.

happy number-twoing,


  1. let's jump on the euphemism train to shittown!

    these are the best.
    ps. which aicha came first?

  2. I so love those Target Women clips! Did you see the one for skin care?!! Amazing!

    ...Where are my pictures of the library?

  3. Ahahahah! "When it's hard, or hurts to go to the one sounds like this..."

  4. hahahahaha aicha! amazing.

    also: if you like the fail blog, you might like ...its like daily a fusion of fail and postsecret

  5. NO! WAY!

    I thought that kid made up that song! That is one of the funniest things ever produced by Denmark. And the universe.

  6. did you hear about jimmy fallon's target women rip off??
