Tuesday, May 26, 2009


people actually read this. indeed, some of my very favourite people. thus, as i continue to procrastinate, i shall continue to post.

only two things to tell you about today:

1. The New Junk on my Face
2. Floss

1. so, that appointment that i mentioned? i went and got my nose pierced again. same side. two holes. sooooooooo awesome (if i do say so myself). i saw a girl on Strøget one day who had two rings side by side in her nose and totally fell in love with the look. so finally, yesterday i went and got it done. the place i went to was actually the nicest, cleanest place i've ever seen in my life (not that i go into piercing places very often, but seriously, it was way cleaner than any hospital i've ever been in. and hospitals, i know). it's a "body modification" place, so they do piercing, scarring, and silicone implants.... some pretty nutso stuff. the guy who pierced me is the owner/founder of the place - sooo friendly, but basically the freakiest lookin dude ever. he's got the neck piercings, HUGE stretched ears, horns, etc etc, everything you can imagine. i was feeling pretty mundane in there, just getting my nose done. i opted to get it done with a ring, rather than a stud. he was sooo smooth at the actual piercing, but getting the ring in hurt like stink. at first i was quite certain that i'd made the wrong decision, because it's REALLY big... but i'm getting used to it now, and I really like it. mostly though, i'm excited for when i can finally take it out and put in two little silver side by side rings :)... anyways, i'm not a huge fan of posting self-taken non-ironic shots, but i just love it so much, here's a photobooth pic:

(...2...) a friend of mine got hers done right after me and as soon as we were done, we headed straight across the street to Floss, my favourite bar in cph. the weather was great so we sat at the outside tables and drank Tuborg and Fisk shots till it got dark. all in all, a great day. I heart Floss. it's a dingy, hole-in-the-wall, graffitied, smokey little bar with an even dingier, smokier, more graffitied basement. apparently it used to be cph punk central. but now it's getting a little tired. in the good way. The crowd is always a mix, the music is always good, and the drinks are dirt cheep. It's a little off the beaten track, so never too busy and mostly locals. From the outsides, especially at night, it looks like a death trap. ...actually, from the inside too. But it's great. I need to find a place like Floss at home... there is just nowhere quite like it. that is your mission dudes: let's find a Floss. I will miss Floss. i don't have any pics of it, but i found some older ones online...

the bathrooms in Floss are pretty much exactly what you'd expect - not a spec of white wall space, so many stickers and so much graffiti. down the wall of the women's washroom, in the corner, i noticed yesterday that it says in big black descending letters: "WHYKID"... and, for whatever reason (maybe my post-piercing hurting face state made me more receptive to meaningful undertones?) it just resonated with me. I feel as if it should be pronounced "wicked"... thus, it's got a double meaning. "wicked!" and "why, kid?"... as in, "dude that is totally great, but what is the motivation, what is the meaning behind it?".... it's deep, i know. .... jeez, i must sound like i'm high. i swear, i'm not.

anyways, that's about it for now... not much interesting going on here. mostly sad - lots and lots of goodbyes and lots and lots of paper writing. blaaaaaaaaaaaaah. this last one is gonna be brutal, mostly from the motivational standpoint though, cause i'm pretty sure I could source wikipedia (or my own blog) exclusively, and still pass... i just gotta actually WRITE it.


today, i biked home from Floss in the absolute pouring rain. I don't think i've ever been so wet without actually having submerged myself underwater... it was amazing. and there was thunder and lightening and rivers in the roads and the rain drops were as big as fists. within about seven seconds i was soaked right through. it was actually pretty fun.

i love this place.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

examing (and by that i mean dancing around my room to mgmt whilst i should be writing papers)

i'm not sure that anybody actually reads this anymore, but i'm bored and in full-on procrastination mode, so i figured i'd post anyways.


i leave here in 8 days.
EIGHT DAYS! actually, considering that it's saturday evening, and i leave on a sunday morning, it's probably closer to SEVEN DAYS now. double yikes. one week.

i honestly can't believe it.

i wish that i had something witty and insightful and summative to say. maybe i will next saturday?

for now, i am just trying to get through this exam that is due on monday at noon. then i'm going out for pancakes, then i'm have this special appointment at 4 that i'm not saying anything about until afterwards (it's a surprise. don't worry mom, not a tattoo), and then i gotta start writing my last exam that is due three days after i leave, which means i gotta hand it in two days before i leave (can't hand stuff in on the weekend).

(ps "exam" here means "big paper"= the only summative assignment for each class. as in, my whole mark for each class is based on one paper. pressure? yes.)

so anyways
i should probably get back to these papers

.... for a while now i have been wanting to give you all the full run-down on my house and my housemates. I have refrained for two reasons: 1) fear that one (all) of them come across this blog and read it and then pee in my bed as revenge, and 2) writer's block, because, really, there are no words to describe these people that i live with. no words (and if i found the words, i'd probably just come across as a malicious b***c, instead of a hilariously insightful and relatively normal individual who had to put up with them all for four months). i am wondering if there is some way to password protect a blog post? so then i can give you guys a hint to the password (my dog's name, my best friend's name, the name of the street i grew up on, something like that) and so you guys could find it but not my crazy housemates... anybody know of a way to do this? seriously. the world needs to know about these people. the world needs to be warned.

anyways. i'll think about it. try to come up with something.

in the mean time, it's exam time.

peace out G's. maybe the force be with you.
