Saturday, May 23, 2009

examing (and by that i mean dancing around my room to mgmt whilst i should be writing papers)

i'm not sure that anybody actually reads this anymore, but i'm bored and in full-on procrastination mode, so i figured i'd post anyways.


i leave here in 8 days.
EIGHT DAYS! actually, considering that it's saturday evening, and i leave on a sunday morning, it's probably closer to SEVEN DAYS now. double yikes. one week.

i honestly can't believe it.

i wish that i had something witty and insightful and summative to say. maybe i will next saturday?

for now, i am just trying to get through this exam that is due on monday at noon. then i'm going out for pancakes, then i'm have this special appointment at 4 that i'm not saying anything about until afterwards (it's a surprise. don't worry mom, not a tattoo), and then i gotta start writing my last exam that is due three days after i leave, which means i gotta hand it in two days before i leave (can't hand stuff in on the weekend).

(ps "exam" here means "big paper"= the only summative assignment for each class. as in, my whole mark for each class is based on one paper. pressure? yes.)

so anyways
i should probably get back to these papers

.... for a while now i have been wanting to give you all the full run-down on my house and my housemates. I have refrained for two reasons: 1) fear that one (all) of them come across this blog and read it and then pee in my bed as revenge, and 2) writer's block, because, really, there are no words to describe these people that i live with. no words (and if i found the words, i'd probably just come across as a malicious b***c, instead of a hilariously insightful and relatively normal individual who had to put up with them all for four months). i am wondering if there is some way to password protect a blog post? so then i can give you guys a hint to the password (my dog's name, my best friend's name, the name of the street i grew up on, something like that) and so you guys could find it but not my crazy housemates... anybody know of a way to do this? seriously. the world needs to know about these people. the world needs to be warned.

anyways. i'll think about it. try to come up with something.

in the mean time, it's exam time.

peace out G's. maybe the force be with you.



  1. trying to figure out what b***c is meant to represent. bithc?
    i still read this! i want to know about the roommates!

    good luck with your "exams" alie dear. i'm glad there are measures in place at uvic to prevent that type of evaluation (there are, aren't there? i'm pretty sure an essay worth 100% of my grade would send me into some sort of stress-induced coma - but no pressure!).

    i'll send you a big message soon! love love.

  2. Yeah, I was wondering that myself...

    New password (fool proof): jennaferrobertsisthemostamazingpersoniknow

    Just something to prompt a few ideas. Anything along those lines, I think, should suffice. You'll never forget it and if there ever happens to be some miniscule possibility that you do, all you have to do is think "right...something about Jen...something about...some--" and then, inevitably, you'll recall it and, with the appropriate amount of glee, type in your awesome password.

    Eight days. That's pretty insane. How time as flown by. Btw, I converted neophyte UVic students to anthropology yesterday at the Experience UVic event. I also regaled them with my imagined stories of you hanging out with orangutans in Borneo. Upon your return to UVic, you will have an established network of adoring anthropology groupies. I think t-shirts are already being made.

  3. Bithc could be the Danish spelling. After all, she is Danish now. I'm glad that papers are non-existent for me. Especially any chance whatsoever of a paper worth 100% of my grade. I would become catatonic. You'll rock it though, no worries.

    You will have to tell me about your roommates come January. Or through some other electronic means.
